Thursday, November 13, 2014

Truth Is, I'm Tired

It's ironic that when I started this blog,
 I did so with the intention of posting 
daily thoughts, ideas, anecdotes, etc from life 
but have failed, epically, to do so.

For whatever reasons,
this fourth year without my mom has been difficult for me
and the truth is, 
I'm tired.

I am tired of being concerned about other people's feelings
while forsaking my own.

I am tired of forcing my family to do things they don't want to do.
I am tired of people being rude to my husband and children.

I am tired of being the pursuer of relationships.

I am tired of struggle.
I am tired of fear.

I am tired of snarky attitudes.
I am tired of meanness, unkindness, hatred, intolerance and injustice.
I am tired of abuse.

I am tired of the expectations people place upon people.
I am tired of people taking offense at the "drop of a hat".

I am tired of consumerism, commercialism, materialism and obsessions with money.

I am tired of lies, falsehoods and manipulation.
I am tired of politics.

I am tired of shallowness, selfishness and self-centeredness.

I am tired of people not listening to other people.

I am tired of those who want to live in the past
rather than embrace the future.

I am tired of being told what to do and what to think.

I am tired of being judged for living, thinking and believing outside the box.
And I am tired of being around those who think it is their purpose to be that judge.

I have only just realized that
over the past year, I have unconsciously and slowly,
been removing things from my life which are toxic
and distancing myself from the things which exhaust me.
I simply do not have the energy to deal with them any more.

This life is not about what our culture has made it about.

I have not been the person that I was designed to and WANT to be.
I have allowed culture to influence who I am 
rather than remaining true to my REAL self
who is - 
kind, sympathetic, empathetic, accepting, loving and real.

I am tired of being tired.
And from now on am going to focus my energy on being
who I REALLY am.

We were all created to be free
and I am going to live as free
regardless of who likes it or not.

Who knows,
after this little rant
maybe I'll actually begin sharing about my journey
on a daily basis.

Then again, maybe not.

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