Monday, May 30, 2016

Requirements Fulfilled

In January, 
without much ado,
Girl2 fulfilled her
High School graduation

photo credit:Manboy

But since
public school ceremonies
took place last week in
the little town in which we live,
we celebrated our Girl
last night with a
low-key family
"build your own pizza" dinner.

It was intimate,
quiet (mostly)
and maybe a little dull
for some,
but we wanted her to know
that we love her 
and are proud of
 the woman she is becoming.

photo credit:Manboy

She doesn't have the rest of her life
mapped out
but she does know what she wants.

And as she embarks upon 
the next leg of her journey
she can rest assured
that Mr. H and I will continually
cheer her on as she goes.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Living in a Small Town (Ism One)

It's been a long time - 
too long -
since I've written to you.

I was going through some heavy things.
Things too heavy to write about.

But that's all over now.
And I can breathe again.


When I first began this blog
my intention was to 
share a little bit about my life
on a daily basis
so as to appear 
(Chuckle, chuckle).

That hasn't happened (yet)
but I'm here today 
(and maybe tomorrow...)
with a little story about
living in a small town.

Last summer I phoned the local branch of my bank
to schedule an appointment.
The Banker who answered said that her computer was down 
and asked if she could return my call in about five minutes.
I said, "Of course. No problem,"
and gave her my phone number.

I am still waiting for that return call.

Funny thing...
I phoned the same local branch at 10:09am today
and the very same Banker answered the phone
with the SAME EXACT scenario.

It's now 12:22pm
and I am still waiting for that return call.

Should I take it personally?
(Laughing out loud).

No wonder most people choose 
to do all of their banking online
these days.

It may be impersonal but at least the computer doesn't 
ask to call you back!
(Laughing again!)

Luckily for me,
I called the bank back myself and when I did,
the person I actually needed to speak to answered the phone - 
BOTH times!