Years ago, in the midst of some difficult circumstances,
I met a wonderful woman who began a correspondence
and relationship with me.
We saw each other about once a week and were sometimes able to have
a few moments of private conversation.
And every week like clockwork, I received in the mail,
a beautiful card with a hand-written note of encouragement
along with her assurance that she was praying for me.
Not prayers based upon her opinion of what she thought I needed but
genuine, heartfelt prayers for goodness and blessing upon my life;
prayers for God to move in ways that he knew I needed.
Often times we have good intentions that we never follow through on.
If you're thinking (good) thoughts about someone, let them know.
Send a text message, email, card or note, or pick up the phone and call.
No one can know your intentions unless you make them known.
Sweet Donna, didn't know the details of my circumstances,
but she intentionally chose to share in my sufferings.
Her obedience in investing her time and energy into my life;
showing me love and support through her encouragement
(and even with her finances)
infused me with hope.
Never underestimate the impact of what a kind word
or gesture can have on a person.
Learn to listen and obey.
When you are feeling prompted to reach out to someone,
reach out.
When you are prompted to help someone,
help them.
Learn how to pray for others;
not imposing your will upon their lives
but asking God to bestow goodness and blessing upon their lives,
providing exactly what he knows they need.
If each person would put these simple things into practice
in their daily lives,
we would change the world.
Donna was intentional about her intentions
and it made all the difference in my world.
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